The two second rule (what is it?)

| | Friday, April 2, 2010


Hello and welcome to Tips for better driving, the aim of this road safety message

  • Is to help drivers improve their standard of driving by giving information on up to date modern techniques in practical Defensive Driving methods.

  • To develop road safety skills and knowledge of he High Way code.

More traffic and faster vehicles mean that however safe and reliable a car may be its driver has to have much more driving skills than ever before.

Today’s drivers cannot escape their own direct and personal responsibility for the accidents that that occur on our roads every year.

The Two Second Rule

So there you are driving along behind the vehicle in front, now how can you be certain that you are the correct separation distance behind him? Just suppose that driver in front of you had to do an emergency stop (for example a pedestrian might have stepped into the road in front of him) would you be able to stop in time or would you crash into the back of him.

One-way of making sure this never happens to you is to keep at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front. Here’s how to check.

When travelling behind the vehicle in front look ahead and pick an object at the side of the road, the object could be for example an electricity pole, a tree, a parked car, anything that is not going to move for the next two seconds, this will be your fixed reference point.

When the back of the vehicle in front passes this point say to yourself this poem ‘’ only a fool breaks the two second rule “this takes about two seconds to say.

If you did not pass the reference point before you finished the poem then your separation distance is good

If you passed the reference point before you finished the poem than you are driving much to close, drop back and try the test again.

Remember two seconds is the minimum distance you should be behind the vehicle in front of you on a dry road.

When it is raining or the road is wet your tyres will have less grip on the road surface, if you have to brake hard your vehicle could get into a skid.

Under these conditions being only two seconds behind the vehicle in front is much too close.

Drop back to four seconds (say the poem twice,) this will give you more time to react and bring your vehicle to a safe stop on wet roads. Try it, it really works.

Remember the poem now “Only a Fool Breaks the Two Second Rule” It could save your life or damage to your expensive motor vehicle one day.


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