| | Friday, April 2, 2010

Use of the Horn

Have you ever driven into a blind bend in the road and found another vehicle that you were not aware of coming in the opposite direction ,and found that driver badly positioned in the bend or even on your side of the road.

And you quickly realized that if either one of you had been a few seconds earlier or later into the bend their could have been a nasty accident.

You can easily avoid this situation by blowing your horn on approach to every blind bend and anticipate meeting another vehicle.

Blow your horn early and loud enough to give the other driver those vital few seconds advance warning of your presence.

Remember the other driver will hear your horn long before he can see you, so if he is in a bad position coming into the bend he will have time to correct his position.

Those few seconds advance warning help both of you.


Use your horn before overtaking, to bring that drivers attention to you.

Whenever you approach any traffic hazard you must consider the use of the horn as an advance warning of your presence,

Remember that using the horn does not give you the right of way in any traffic situation nor does it relieve of your responsibility to drive your vehicle in a safe courteous manner on our roads.

There are certain legal restrictions on the use of the horn at night in built up areas. So get into the habit “beep beep” on every blind bend you come across.

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