Do not overtake unless you can do so safely; make sure the road is clear ahead and behind you.
Do not get too close to the vehicle you intend to overtake; it will obscure your view of the road ahead
Do not overtake unless you can do so safely; make sure the road is clear ahead and behind you.
Do not get too close to the vehicle you intend to overtake; it will obscure your view of the road ahead
Use your mirrors to check the speed and position of vehicles coming up from behind you.
Signal before you start to move out, remember other drivers cannot read your mind only your signal.
Read the road ahead and anticipate that the vehicle you are overtaking might move to the right without warning to avoid an obstruction.
Take extra care at night and in conditions of poor visibility when it is harder to judge speed and distances.
• Mirrors first to check on what is happening behind and to your sides , to see how your actions will affect others
• Signal to inform other road users of your intension to overtake ,
Signal before you start to move out, remember other drivers cannot read your mind only your signal.
Read the road ahead and anticipate that the vehicle you are overtaking might move to the right without warning to avoid an obstruction.
Take extra care at night and in conditions of poor visibility when it is harder to judge speed and distances.
• Mirrors first to check on what is happening behind and to your sides , to see how your actions will affect others
• Signal to inform other road users of your intension to overtake ,
REMEMBER other road users can only read your signal NOT YOUR MIND
• Manoeuvre Once you have started to overtake quickly move pass the vehicle you are overtaking, leaving it plenty of room.
• Manoeuvre Once you have started to overtake quickly move pass the vehicle you are overtaking, leaving it plenty of room.
- Then move back to the left as soon as you can not forgetting to check the left mirror do not cut in.
When overtaking motorcyclists, pedal cyclists, horse riders give them just as much room as you would give a car.
Remember that cyclists may be unable to ride in a straight line, especially when it is windy or if there are potholes on the road surface
Normally we overtake on the right only. But there are two occasion when you can overtake on the left they are:
(1) When the vehicle in front is signalling and has positioned to make a right turn, if there is space to his left you can pass on the left.
(2) When traffic is moving slowly in queues and vehicles in a lane in the right are moving more slowly than you are. But do not change to the left just to overtake.
Do not increase your speed when you are being overtaken by other road users, slow down if necessary to let the overtaking vehicle pass you and pull in safely.
Give way to vehicle coming towards you before passing parked vehicles or other obstructions On your side of the road.
YOU MUST NOT OVERTAKE: - Where you cannot see far enough ahead to be sure it is safe, for example when you are Approaching or at
• A corner or bend in the road
• A hump back bridge
The brow of a hill.
YOU MUST NOT overtake
Where you might come into conflict with other road users, for example:
• Approaching or at a road junction on either side of the road
• Where the road narrows
• When approaching a school crossing
• Where traffic is queuing at junctions or road works
• Where you would force oncoming vehicles to swerve or slow down.
Do not overtake:
If you would have to cross or straddle double white lines with an unbroken line closest to you.
Do not overtake
• On approach to a pedestrian crossing
• After a no overtaking sign
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